Lesson 12 Application
Questions 4, 5, and 6
Setting Captives Free encourages using any and all means to communicate with your student. We have the ability to leave audio messages when replying to our student’s lessons. We also use apps such as Facebook messenger and Marco Polo. We use phone calls, Skype, personal meetings; anything we can to communicate the love and joy of the cross of Jesus. Feel free to utilize these means of communication, in addition to the lessons.
Finally, please remember that you are a “minister of the new covenant” (2 Corinthians 3:6), not the old covenant. Our message is the gospel. It brings forgiveness to the very soul, grace to the heart, and power to the life. It lifts up and loves, it encourages and ministers to the heart, it inspires and calls all to look to Jesus. That’s your role, friend. Like Moses, lift up the pole of the cross and call everyone to come and look! May God enable you to do it with all your heart, working with all your might as serving the Lord and not men. We want to encourage you to keep applying the gospel in every area of your life, and to keep looking at all of your life through gospel lenses. We want to be captivated, entranced and loving Jesus and His redeeming work!
The mentor group that you are invited to join is a gospel fellowship, designed to saturate our hearts each week in the gospel and then go out and spread the good news to students!
Just a few further items now:
Question 4. Which (if any) course(s) have you completed in Setting Captives Free?
Question 5. If accepted as a mentor, do you agree to present and represent the gospel to your students, and not psychology, behaviorism or any other philosophy of thought?
Setting Captives Free is a “no spam” ministry; this means we will not send unwanted emails, advertisements or unapproved and/or unsolicited forwards of any kind, etc. to our students or anyone else associated with the ministry.
Question 6. Do you agree to not send any spam in the form of unwanted communication to your students?