When Jesus begins to show Himself to someone, when they see the good news and believe that it specifically applies to them, they begin to get very healthy. Their hearts are renewed and made strong, their minds are cleansed, their consciences are purified and they feel alive and well! “A cheerful look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health” (Proverbs 15:30 NLT). Yes, in the gospel God looks cheerfully at us, which brings joy to our hearts, and the gospel is the best “good news” there ever was, and it brings good health to us and to our students. So let’s summarize now: as we mentor our students here we want to aim for their hearts. In order to do this, we must learn to ask questions and listen well, we must pray that God would change their hearts, and we must utilize the message of the cross in our mentoring. Again your supervisor will help with this.
We must learn to utilize the entire Bible in our mentoring, but always with an eye to displaying the cross through each passage. This creates a hunger in the heart of some students, a desire to know more, to see Jesus more, to study and pray to see Jesus themselves. So we don't ever want to throw out a quote of the Bible without a sentence or two of how it points to the cross.
Here is an example. Let's say you just read Psalm 147:3 and want to share it with your student. You've listened to this student and heard them describe their broken heart over sin, and the wounds they've received, so you quote Psalm 147:3: "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds" (Psalm 147:3). But you don't just quote it, you show how it points to the cross, something like this: "Cindy, I have really listened to what you said here. You mentioned having your heart broken over both your sin and that of your husband, so I wanted to give you Psalm 147:3. If we look at the cross we see that Jesus' heart was pierced by a Roman soldier, and now our broken hearts can be healed by Jesus' heart that was opened for us at the cross. We also see that Jesus was wounded on the cross and we know that was so that God might bind up your wounds. His heart broke, our hearts are healed. He was wounded that our wounds might be bandaged. Do you see how the cross ministers to your broken heart Cindy?" That's just a couple of sentences, but what we are doing is showing how all Scripture is designed to point to the cross of Jesus (see Luke 24:25-27 and Romans 16:25). Here is one more example. You've asked some questions to a student, and they tell you they feel like they are absolutely cursed in life. They feel so empty and don't feel at all like they can be blessed by God in any way. You know that Galatians 3:13-14 addresses this very thing, so you ask your student to consider this passage. You quote it, then show how it points to the cross, which might go something like this: "Tom, I definitely understand what you are saying here, and have felt that way myself at times in the past. But consider this passage with me just now: "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: 'Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.' 14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit."
Tom, do you see how Jesus, who was hung up on a pole, took your sins on Himself, was cursed by God in full view of the whole world, and died under God's curse? If you believe this message then you now know that Jesus took your curse so that God might bless you with the Holy Spirit."
Again, all that is needed is a sentence or two explaining how the Scripture points to the cross. The main point being, we don't want to merely quote Scripture, rather we explain briefly how they all point to the gospel; the death of Jesus for our sins, and the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
We don’t answer our students with the same passage of Scripture all the time, we use many different ones, yet each and every passage has “Jesus Christ and Him crucified” as its theme; it’s just that the wording is different so that it almost seems like a new message. And yet it’s the old message just given with a new passage, different words, conveying another aspect of the gospel.
So we aim for the heart when mentoring our students.
And make no mistake, if the arrow of the gospel reaches its target of the heart, the entire life of your student will begin to change. Actions follow the heart. Not that he or she won’t ever fall, of course we still sin in this life, it’s just that the heart is changing and the actions will begin to follow.
As we close, consider saying to your student what God has said to you: “O my son, give me your heart. May your eyes take delight in following my ways” (Proverbs 23:26 NLT) Notice: “Heart” before “ways”. First show your student how Jesus gave His heart to them in the gospel, and then invite your students to give their heart, their loves and passions, their desires and longings to Jesus, even as He gave His entire heart and life for them. In other words, after you give your students the gospel, call them to surrender their hearts to Jesus. Even as Jesus opened His heart to them at the cross, call them to open their hearts to Him in response. This is what the Apostle Paul did; after he opened his heart to the Corinthians (2 Corinthians 6:11), pouring out His love to them, he said, “I am asking you to respond as if you were my own children. Open your hearts to us!” (2 Corinthians 6:13 NLT). Aim for the heart, beloved. Learn to be like Cupid with your students, matching them up with their Savior, the One Who bled and died for them, and rose to justify them before God.
And as we mentor our students, we bring our hearts first to Jesus, before we bring our needs and cares.
If you’d like to read a fuller treatment of how the heart works, and specifically how God changes it, please read this writing from Bill Miller. You can make comments, suggestions, or ask questions of Bill there as well. Today, you have the opportunity to ask questions and share the message of the cross in response to a sample student. Remember to ask questions, pray that God would bring to your mind Scriptures that are fitting for your student. If you get stuck, you can always Google search something like, "Scriptures dealing with guilt" or "Scriptures talking about forgiveness". Then your role is to meditate on whichever Scriptures you decided to use, and point your student to the cross through them.
Here is the list of sample students:
1. Abioye (male) or Jess (female) is in the Setting Captives Free Purity Follow-Up course.
Lesson 48 Question 8. Do you see all the grace and love that Jesus purchased for you at the cross? Are you coming to Him to receive the grace and love that He has for you? Please explain.
Student response: I do try to see it and receive it. I’m struggling a bit today because I’m having troubles at work, and I’m feeling frustrated. I am feeling really tempted to turn to sexual impurity for stress relief, but I know this would be bad for me.
2. Kyla (female) or Paxon (male) is taking the Depression course.
Lesson 21 Question 1. What are some thoughts that have troubled you? How have you tried to get rid of them? Please share.
Student response: I’ve struggled with thinking that everyone would be better off without me. I also have thoughts that I am not a good person and that I am just worthless.
3. Zinnia (female) or Arlis (male) has a problem with Media Addiction.
Lesson 22 Question 5. Are you experiencing the love and grace of Jesus? Then don’t receive it in vain. Turn, turn turn. Leave the empty life, find love and fullness in Jesus. Are you doing so? Please share your thoughts:
Student response: I do experience the love and grace of Jesus some, but my eyes are not enough upon Him and my heart is not enough open to Him. I want to leave the empty life of media obsession to receive a God-filled healthy life!
4. Sajan (male) Lilly (female) is enrolled in the A United Front course.
Lesson 24 Question 7. Do you have any thoughts or questions for your mentor regarding this lesson? If you are having difficulty knowing how to combat a specific thought stronghold then write about it here; we will be glad to help you.
Student Response: I think my main issue is dealing with the stronghold of fear that lies to me and says that my spouse will never change. If you have a Biblical promise/verse/passage that you believe would help me, please tell me. Thanks! God bless you!
5. Paul (male) or Halia (female) is enrolled in the Weight Loss course.
Lesson 30 Question 1. Examining your own time being enslaved to the flesh, can you see any lies that you were believing? If yes, please list them here. Otherwise, please share your thoughts.
Student Response: I believed that food was my only real friend. I believed that I was shameful to God. I believed I was not worthy of God's help to overcome obesity. I believed if life was hard, food could make it easier.
Question 5. Please respond to your student, giving them the message of the cross from any passage of Scripture:
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That's it for this section of the mentorship course. Please remember, in every lesson response to share parts of your story, share the gospel, and pray for your student.
In tomorrow's lesson, we move on to the resources you will have as a mentor.