Yes, God gives hope through the gospel of Jesus Christ. He gives forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with the Father, the gift of the Holy Spirit, the guarantee of eternal life and so much more. Hope and more hope, all through the cross of Jesus!
Today, you have a chance to ask good questions of a student, and then share the gospel and receive input from your mentor. You might be a little concerned over how to share the gospel, but I assure you that over time this will become second nature to you, as it is the message that God attends with power!
So share the gospel with the following student in whatever way you choose. Remember, the gospel is "the death of Jesus for our sins, and the resurrection of Jesus from the dead" (1 Corinthians 15:1-5). If we do not share about Jesus' death and resurrection, and its effects for people, we have not shared the gospel. So some very simple suggestions are to say something like, "Oh yes, I understand and have experienced guilt like you say here Susan, but if you look at the cross you see that Jesus took your sins away from you and died to remove your guilt. He paid the penalty for your sins so there is no condemnation whatsoever for you now. As you believe this message it becomes like washing in a fountain, cleansing your heart and mind. Isn't that wonderful?"
Or maybe you might say, "Thanks so much for sharing that Jim, I've felt distant from God, too. And yes, we understand it is sin that distances us. But Jim, look at Jesus on the cross and see that Jesus experienced that distance from God in our place, in order to bring us together with God. He was separated from God and forsaken by God that you might be received by God and be connected to God forever. Looking at the cross will wash you clean and give you hope, Jim!"
You get the idea; we just want to give the gospel to our students, for that is the power of God for salvation, for sanctification and for stabilization.
Now here is your turn to practice. Below are the sample students, you will respond to the student of your own gender. Submit a response for each course in which you want to mentor.
1. Jamar (male) or Adele (female) is in the Setting Captives Free Purity Bootcamp course.
Lesson 23 Question 7. For just a moment, recall what sexual impurity has done in your own life. How has it defiled you and made you unclean?
Student response: It has made me unclean in a way that has pushed me away from God, and me feeling worthless, stupid, unworthy, that there is no way out of this, so feeling stuck in my sins, but most of all not trusting God that He can and will provide for my needs.
2. Mia (female) or Kwon (male) is taking the Depression course.
Lesson 16 Question 3. What does the thought that you will never be condemned for your sins do for your heart?
Student response: I don’t know. I wish I could stop the condemning thoughts in my mind. I want to believe that I am not condemned, but I feel condemnation when I think of all things I’ve done wrong and the ways in which I have failed people.
3. Emma (female) or Knox (male) has a problem with Media.
Lesson 21 Question 1. Are you experiencing the power of Jesus to rescue you from media addiction? Please share your thoughts here:
Student response: I've gotten off course, I think. I'm struggling with thoughts of fear and anxiety which makes media more attractive to me—media distracts me, so I don’t worry.
4. John (male) Aiko (female) has enrolled in the A United Front course.
Lesson 15 Question 6. We want to pray for, help and encourage you along the way, please share with us what you know you need to put off here:
Student Response: I need to put off evil thoughts, self-centeredness, anxiety, fear, worry, judgmental spirit.
5. Paarth (male) or Etta (female) has enrolled in the Weight Loss course.
Lesson 26 Question 8. So, I ask you the same question right now. When you were sinking in gluttony, battered by the waves of worldly diets, why did you doubt? Why did you have “little faith”? And more importantly, what will you change so that you don’t sink in the future?
Student Response: My focus was on diets, the scales, rules etc. My eyes were not fixed on Jesus. I want to have more faith. I guess I need to fix my eyes on Jesus.
Please remember the actual gospel as stated in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, which must include the death of Jesus Christ for the student's sins and the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Feel free to use any Scripture you would like to give out the gospel, making it relevant to the student's response. Thank you friend, may God bless you as you share the message of hope, the message of power, the message that reaches the heart of some students and changes their lives.
Please look forward to some input from your mentor on this lesson, and then tomorrow is our last day of responding to sample students.