Friend, the only thing that will keep you from discouragement, the one thing that will keep you from being "demoralized" by the unbelief of students, or doubt thrown in your face by Satan, or the rebellion of your own flesh, is to focus on the cross of Jesus as you study God's Word and pray, and as you minister to your fellow mentors and students. The cross of Christ will not only keep you from becoming demoralized, but it will also delight your heart time and time again, day in and day out.
As you look at the cross, you will see that Jesus endured such horrible hostility from sinners so that He could remove the animosity between you and God. Jesus was treated as a sinner as He hung on the cross so that you would be treated like a saint in God's presence. You see that He died a horrific death swallowed up in darkness so that you can live an abundant and eternal life in the light with God. Look again, and see Him dying, and rejoice that you are completely forgiven and made free. Delight in Jesus’ death and resurrection once again, for in that you have life, real life!
Learn to focus! Learn to look long and often at the cross! Learn to keep looking so much that what you see encourages your heart, gives you energy, builds you up, and keeps you from growing weary and becoming faint-hearted in ministry. This looking comes in your personal study time in God's Word, and as you pray the Scriptures back to God.
Will you be one that gets so discouraged and faint-hearted in ministry that your heart is no longer rejoicing in your freedom purchased at such a price? Or will you develop the habit of focusing on Jesus, seeing all that He endured for you, and be continuously receiving fresh love and new mercy every day from Jesus? Will you become demoralized or will you be delighted? Will you be the one who remains grateful to Jesus for His suffering, or will you be part of the nine who never returned?
Finally, please consider the words from one of our long time mentors, one who has persisted through much discouragement and has this to say to you:
Mike Leavitt writes, “I do get a little discouraged when a student doesn't respond to me as I pour my heart to them and try to reveal the cross and the love of Jesus, but I always remind myself that it is for God's glory, not mine. Lately, I've been trying to be more engaging and personable with my students and I've had way more interaction and it's been such a blessing. Mentoring is not something that you're good at right out of the gate, it's taken time to hone my skills by listening to your teaching and your heart for people. Really all we can do is love them and try to encourage them, lead them to the cross and the rest is in God's hands, His timing is perfect and maybe they need more time to come to their senses and to the end of themselves.
You're right, gospel ministry is trying and yet exhilarating, but when you see someone's heart changed, and they finally get it and start to love on Jesus and gush over the cross it's so worth it. Not only that but to experience the love of Jesus over and over again is so wonderful. When a student says that they are struggling and can't figure out why, then to share with them a detailed meditation of the cross, the humility of Jesus, His unfathomable love, for them, His unbelievable words from the cross, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" "It is finished" bring such adoration and worship from my own heart, it literally brings me to tears every time! What a privilege to share this with your students, not all can comprehend such a thing at first but others see it and start to understand the power of the cross, I mean really who is like Jesus, He's mind-blowing, sin crushing and such an amazing graceful Savior. His love changes everything!”
Question 9. What does mentor Mike Leavitt’s statement convey to you personally?
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Since Mike has persisted, continued refreshing himself at the cross, continued washing at the cross in his personal time of study of God's Word, he is bearing fruit in his ministry with Setting Captives Free. This very day, as I'm writing this lesson for you, we saw the following testimony come in. Notice what the man says about his mentor:
Mike B. writes, "I have found the truths taught in the Setting Captives Free Purity Bootcamp to be the only thing that 'works.' I've tried everything else. I know without a shadow of a doubt that those ways turn up empty. Coming before Jesus and remaining in Him is the only way for lasting victory.
God brought me out of my bondage to lust and pornography. I still remember those days of emptiness that lead to hopelessness. The devil had some victories in that time of my life, but no more! Christ has brought victory in my life. He is the deserving master. I am learning to walk in the Spirit, remain in His word and His love, and remember all the promises that He gave to me. Warring against the flesh is a daily battle as well, but with Christ on my side, I have tasted victory. What an amazing thing to experience that after so many years in the desert of sin. Christ is very patient, humble, and merciful. I am a testament to His goodness; if He can love me after all the years wasted in sin, He can love anyone.
My Setting Captives Free mentor was Mike Leavitt. He was very helpful to me; I was able to have real interaction with him, which I didn't have in the past.
I recommend this course to anyone struggling with sexual impurity. It has the essential foundation of Christ and points to Him and His grace in everything."
And I want to share with you one more testimony, again notice the thankfulness of this student:
Trieks writes, “The A United Front course was an unexpected treasure for me!
"I started in the course feeling sorry for myself and angry at my husband. The first thing I learned was that I should feel compassion for my husband and be angry at our sinful nature. I realized that we are all slaves of sin, saved by Jesus Christ, to be clean and free. This understanding changed everything for me and primarily how I viewed myself and my spouse.
Around Lesson 8, Gospel Counsel, I asked for a mentor because I realized I needed someone to help me apply the gospel to my situation. Cheryle was so kind as to go back to my previous lessons and give me answers to those and also mentoring me on the following lessons. She was a great help and blessing to me.
Some days were quite hard. I could see that many questions were confronting my long-held "safe answers" and beliefs. In the meantime, Covid 19 came and brought even more challenges. But looking back, I can see that every lesson was also a lesson in real life. For the first time in my life, Easter weekend was so special. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ were real for my husband and me!
Two ideas spoke to me in a completely new way. First, Hebrews 12:2, to keep my eyes on Jesus. Somehow, in all my years as Christian, I did not grasp that concept. I knew Jesus saved me, and I knew I would see Him in Heaven one day. But I missed the practical instruction to keep my eyes on Him in everyday decisions. Suddenly, I didn't feel alone anymore!
The second idea was that I don't have to feel "guilty" for desiring my husband's love and intimacy. God gave us the gift of physical intimacy in marriage to enjoy in the way He explains it in the Bible. Our bodies belong to Jesus but also to each other, and we have to treat the gift accordingly. (With love and respect)
Thank you for making this course available for people like me, feeling alone and isolated in dealing with the issue of sexual impurity. This course made a beautiful shift in my marriage that I did not expect! I pray that our Lord and Savior will bless your work."
Question 10. As you have thought through the message of this lesson, what thoughts do you have?
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