Lesson 15: The Cross and our Inheritance

Question 3

In today’s lesson, I want to share two life-changing truths from Joshua chapters 13-24:
First, Joshua continually shows us the work of Jesus Christ, our True Joshua, who through His death and resurrection opened the way to the promised land for us, and who subdued our every enemy to give us our inheritance.
"So that he (Joshua) might become a type of Christ, who has not only conquered the gates of hell for us but has also opened the gates of heaven to us. He has purchased the eternal inheritance for all believers and will in due time give them all possession of it." Matthew Henry
Friend, look now at the cross of Christ and see Jesus “purchasing the eternal inheritance for all believers” with His own life’s blood. This is what enables us to live by faith and to grow in our faith.
Just think of the love of God in all of this. The cross displays a love so deep, a love so intense that it moved God to give up His only Son to a gruesome and painful death, that He might give you an eternal inheritance. Meditate on this pure and lovely truth today! This is what the Book of Joshua teaches us in story form.
Joshua won the promised land for the Israelites through military conquest, but Jesus purchased our promised land through His death. And it is through Jesus’ death that the Father has qualified you to receive an inheritance. This is because through Jesus’ death God has removed your sin and given you His righteousness, and therefore by faith in the gospel you are qualified for your inheritance.
Colossians 1:12 (ESV) giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.

Question 3. According to the above teaching, how did the Father qualify you to share in the inheritance?

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Karen writes, "God qualified me to share in eternal inheritance by sending Jesus to die on the Cross; by shedding His blood as He took on all my sin and unrighteousness, to give me His righteousness.  By believing in the Gospel; that Jesus died on the Cross and was resurrected, I share in the inheritance of the saints.  I am incredibly grateful and pray that my life reflects my gratitude and that I glorify God and shine His light brightly."
Kelly writes, "I looked up the word qualified in my dictionary and this is what I found: :having complied with the specific requirements or precedent conditions: There is a condition that has to be met in order for me to obtain eternal life with God. That condition is perfect Righteousness. In Christ all the conditions have been met. The requirements are all fulfilled and now all is mine! 1 Corinthians 3:21-23 . . . .All things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future--all are yours,and you are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s."
Faith Building Studies