The Cross Gives Us Our Inheritance and Rest

Question 4

We are talking about spiritual victory and rest in this lesson. While we live in this world we still have much fighting to do.
"The antitypical Joshua (Jesus Christ) has secured for His people an inalienable title to the heavenly Canaan, yet formidable foes have to be overcome and much hard fighting done by them before they enter into their eternal rest." From "Gleanings in Joshua (Arthur Pink Collection Book 28)" by Arthur W. Pink
So now as the Israelites gather around Joshua and the priests to get their inheritance, they agree that the inheritance will be given by the “casting of the lot” (see Joshua 14:2) this means that they will not fight over the inheritance but rather trust that God will determine the inheritance for each tribe.
You know what is amazing? Ephesians 1:13-14 tells us that the Holy Spirit is “the guarantee of our inheritance” and the Greek word here for “inheritance”, eklerothemen, means “obtained by lot”. In other words, just as the Israelites received their inheritance by lot, so too our inheritance is given to us by the determination of God also.
So now the day of the inheritance for the Israelites had arrived. Each tribe, each clan, each family—all were to receive their inheritance in the promised land. They would now rest, and settle and be at peace. What an amazing time this was for the people of God.
And as wonderful as this rest was, it did not last (we will see this as we continue in our faith-building studies). Why is that? Because true rest is only found by faith in Jesus Christ.
• “The land rested from war” (Joshua 11:23),
• “The land had rest from war” (Joshua 14:15),
• “The Lord gave them rest on every side” (Joshua 21:44),
• “The Lord your God has given rest to your brothers as He promised them” (Joshua 22:4),
• “The Lord had given rest unto Israel from all their surrounding enemies” (Joshua 23:1).
This was Joshua’s great achievement as the instrument of God’s purpose--leading the people into rest. Yet, in Hebrews we read that this was not the real rest—it was only a symbol of it: “If Joshua had given them rest, then would God not afterward have spoken of another day” (Hebrews 4:8).
Yes, the rest that Joshua gave was temporary, and would soon be interrupted by the disobedience of the nation of Israel and their subsequent captivity to foreign nations.
But the rest that Jesus purchased for us on the cross is eternal. The inheritance He gives will last forever. And it is to this eternal rest that the book of Joshua continually points us.
Consider these words from theologian William Blaikie:
“The spiritual lesson of this book then is, that in Jesus Christ there is rest for the pilgrim....It is the echo of His own glorious words, ‘Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.’ Whosoever is weary—whether under the burden of care, or the sense of guilt, or the bitterness of disappointment, or the anguish of a broken heart, or the conviction that all is vanity—the message of this book to him is,—’There remaineth a rest for the people of God.’ Even now, the rest of faith; and hereafter, that rest of which the voice from heaven says—’Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.’”--William Blaikie, commentary on Joshua
Oh, friend, your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has gone to the cross and secured your eternal inheritance, which not only brings you victory on all sides but also rest forever. Let this truth cause you to be humble in the way you live, knowing the great sacrifice of Jesus for you; and let it cause you to overflow with thanksgiving for the accomplishment of the cross.
And, in the midst of your busyness, your striving, and all your other activities, take time out today to view the cross, to see Jesus giving His all to secure your inheritance, dying to purchase your victory and rest. And then spend some time just praising Him!

Question 4. Was your faith increased through studying God’s Word today? If so, in what way? Please explain.

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Faith Building Studies