Jason writes: "I have been a slave to sexual sin in one form or another since early childhood. As a child and into my teens, I did not understand my actions although they were habitual, compulsive, and hurtful to myself and others. As a teen, I became a heavy drug user. When I was eighteen, I ended up living on the street. Fortunately, I was eventually able to get off of the street, moved in with my mother and stepfather, and began reading the Bible. Through God's word, I came to know Jesus personally, and He radically changed my life. He simply took drugs out of my life. I was a new person.
About the same time, my sexual past came back to haunt me. I believe I changed one addiction for another, and I began to rely more and more on my sexual behavior for my comfort, fulfillment, and security. However, the guilt of my actions became overwhelming. I am now 45 and over these past 27 years I have tried to find freedom from sexual sin but could never overcome my temptations. I have been in the pit of hell due to my sexual actions. There have also been times I have nearly tasted freedom, but this sin continued to have a hold on me, and I would be tempted, stumble, and fall back into sin. For long periods of time, I would simply live in my sin because I believed I would never get out of it and that was the best my life would ever be.
I am amazed at how much grace and patience God has had with me. Over these many years even though I have lived in sin He has protected me and helped me. God eventually brought me to a place where I was truly desperate for freedom, but I had no idea what to do about it.
Finally, I was honest with a close friend about my struggle, and he suggested that I go to Setting Captives Free. Over the years, I have been involved in a fantastic Bible teaching church, gospel-focused addiction programs, and counseling. I've spent many hours one on one with the Lord in His word. But something about Setting Captives Free has been different and made a great impact on me!
Setting Captives Free pointed me to one place - the cross of Jesus Christ. There is no other place to find freedom than at the foot of His cross, covered in His cleansing blood. Focusing on the Cross of Christ, I am finally realizing - He died for me. He took my punishment. He has dealt with all my sin, and the truth is in Him I am free! I don’t have to be a slave to my sin!
Do I struggle? Yes, because my flesh wants to hold onto my old life. But I know now I have an option! I can go to Jesus, be completely honest with Him, look to Him to cover me with His presence, show me how He has paid for my sin and has broken my chains of slavery!
As I continue to look to Him, He is opening my eyes to the fact that it is the power of His resurrection working in me. The same power that rose Him from the dead, is the same power giving me the strength to keep going, to not live in sin, and is transforming me from the inside out!
Despite all my faults and failures, God loves me, and proves His love to me through Jesus on the cross! In Gods eyes I am free! In my daily life, He is teaching me to live in freedom! I spent 27 years living one way, so I know it will take time to learn how to live this new life, but I know He is with me! More than that, I know He wants me to be with Him! No one has ever loved me as God loves me, and I am so thankful to know Him and be able to live my life with Him!