Vicky's Story

Set Free by Love

Vicky writes, "I was raised in a Christian home and at 9 years old, I realized that I was guilty of sin. My parents and my church had taught me that sin put a barrier between me and God, but that Jesus overcame that when He died on the cross for the sins of the world. I understood that just as Jesus was raised from the dead, He was offering me life in Heaven if I accepted Him as my Savior. I took Jesus at His word and accepted what He had done for me.
I wish I could tell you that after accepting Christ I led a good and holy life, shining as a bright witness of God's love and saving power, but I cannot. Instead, as a young adult, I fell into sin so deeply that you might think I had never even been saved. This resulted in a failed marriage, a time of separation from my children and family, and an utterly immoral life. I chased after many things, but nothing satisfied me. I did not realize that Jesus not only died to give me eternal life but that He also provided a way to live victoriously in the here and now. But God was merciful and so kind to me, helping me through this time until I returned to Him, asking for and receiving His forgiveness. God helped me re-establish good relationships with my children and family, and after several years, I met and married a good man. Neither of us was where we needed to be with God, but He was so gracious in leading us, helping to strengthen our marriage, and even eventually helping us to serve in the church.
But we live in a dark world where we have a vicious enemy and flesh that is weak, and I still had not learned about victorious living. When God helped me to be victorious in one area, the enemy attacked me in another. Even as a young adult, I had some problems with food. I had lost weight using a popular diet and kept it off for a few years. But now I found myself looking to food for comfort when I was disappointed or angry or hurt, and using food to excess during times of celebration or happiness. I did not realize that once again, I had been taken in by the enemy.
After several cycles of gaining and losing, I found myself very overweight with more than 100 lbs to lose. Being so overweight and looking to food instead of God put me into a prison where I was unhappy, unhealthy, and an ineffective Christian witness.
God led me to an online Bible Study at a site called "Setting Captives Free" that helped me to see that I had once again fallen into sin. This was hard for me to accept. The world around us doesn’t treat overeating as a spiritual problem and offers many “quick fixes” and frequently announces some magic food that will make the pounds fall off, and I tried a few of them, but I knew deep in my heart that they were all bogus and contrived.
At Setting Captives Free, I learned for the first time, that Jesus not only died to pay the debt of my sin and open Heaven to me, but He also provided a way to live in victory while still on earth. I began to realize that my reliance on food was sinful and that it dishonored God. I participated in an early version of the Setting Captives Free study and lost weight, but it took a second round for the truth to sink in and for me to accept all of what Jesus has done for me. But the end result is like coming out a dark place, squinting into the light of day!
I have lost over 110 lbs and while I may have a bit more to lose, I feel confident that God will show me where I need to be and continue to help me get there. I thank God for His continuing grace and love and mercy, and for providing ongoing cleansing, strength, and power through what He did for me through Jesus’ death on the cross."--Vicky, Mentor with Setting Captives Free

Question1. How much weight did Vicky lose?

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Christopher writes, "Vicky had lost over 110lbs because she felt confident that God would provide her needs and he would continue to help her. it's through love mercy and ongoing cleansing and the power through the cross that she would become an overcomer."

Question 2. What did Vicky say she learned for the first time at Setting Captives Free?

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Christopher writes, "That it was sinful to put food first instead of God. She learned that Jesus not only died to pay her debts of sin but that he opened Heaven to her. Jesus provided a way to live in victory while living on earth. Vicky lost weight in her first course of Setting Captives Free,but she had to do a second round for the truth to sink in."

Question 3. Do you see how the gospel of Jesus Christ is what brings about real transformation? What are your thoughts?

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Christopher writes, "Vicky's life at first was reckless and she was divorced and eventually got addicted to food and would eat non stop she struggled with her weight problems. She changed when she found an early version of Setting Captives Free and it took her a second time to fully accept what God has done as well Vicky has a new husband also she has a better marriage than she did before and Jesus has changed her heart.
Isaiah 61:1
61 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
because the Lord has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor;
he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim liberty to the captives,
and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
2 Timothy 3:16-17
16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."
Set Free By Love