Lesson 3 Walking by the Spirit

Testimony and Question 8

Kara writes, "I've experienced freedom through the power of Christ in a completely new way. Previously, I would've strived completely in my own wisdom and power, and at some point, I would fail completely and lose heart and hope. But God's power has enabled me to live in a completely new and different way.
At the beginning of this course, I put away the scale as recommended. I'd decided that I would weigh myself at the end of the 30 days, but God slowly taught me that the numbers on the scale are only a man-made measurement of our success. So I've put away the scale and decided not to weigh until I sense God asking me to do it. Instead, I want my success to be defined by heart change, which leads to body change. My clothes are looser and fit better. Also, I had suffered from chronic heartburn since my last pregnancy and was able to almost completely stop taking antacids. I have exercised much more faithfully because I understand that only God gives the plan, and only God gives the power to carry it out. When I know the plan is to exercise but I don't want to, I understand that is fleshly laziness that must be fought against. I think this is physical, mental, and spiritual, but I've literally been falling out of love with food. I used to go to food to satisfy me and fill me, to keep me company, and to love me. But now food holds its more rightful place—as nourishment and enjoyment, but not as a god.
I recommend this course. It's called a Weight Loss Bootcamp, but it's actually more of a Heart Change Bootcamp."

Question 8. What are your thoughts about Kara's testimony? Please share.

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Weight Loss Bootcamp