Lesson 6 This is War Soldier, Time to Fight!

Question 2

The third foundational principle of freedom is “warring against the flesh.” Today, I want to look with you at how to win this battle against gluttony and all other lusts of the flesh. In the previous lesson, we saw that we are to consult the Lord when going into battle, as Jehoshaphat did when faced with a vast army more powerful than himself (2 Chronicles 20:1–29). In this lesson, we will consult God in His Word to learn how to fight our own battle!
As we approach this topic, let’s remember that God’s ways are not like man’s. As Christians, we learn how to fight by looking at the cross of Jesus Christ! When we come to the cross and meditate on it, we not only learn how to fight but we are given the spiritual strength, the power to fight to the death! When we look at the cross, we see that we are forgiven of our sins and learn how to fight and throw off the sin that easily hinders us.
Yes, the cross teaches us all we need to know about winning the battle over gluttony, laziness, and sins of all kinds. So let’s look at it together.
For years, I had learned to make peace with my lusts by simply surrendering to them. I just gave myself up to my enemies and wallowed in my sin. It was like I walked out onto the battlefield and yelled, “Here I am; take me as your prisoner!” What a horrible thing to do as a Christian soldier!
God has now trained me for battle and taught me how to make war against the lust of my flesh. “Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle” (Psalm 144:1). I want Him to do this for you as well. This is war, soldier, it’s time to fight!
As we look at the cross, we see our General in battle, winning the war over sin and Satan. “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross” (Colossians 2:15). Do you see that phrase, “triumphing over them by the cross?” That is exactly how you and I get the victory, too.
What does that mean? It means we win, not by trying but by dying. We win, not through the world’s teaching of addiction and recovery, but through the gospel’s teaching of crucifixion and resurrection.
For the remainder of our time together today, I want us to examine and think about the application of just one verse, as we seek God to give you a plan to win over your lusts:
“For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.” Romans 8:13 (NIV)

Question 2. How does Romans 8:13 show us that we are in a life and death struggle?

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