Lesson 13 Washing at the Cross Sets Captives Free

Questions 4, 5 and 6

The blood of bulls and goats was to cleanse and sanctify, wash them outwardly, and set them apart from bodily impurity, but all of the Old Testament rituals merely had external effects. The Old Testament sacrifices could not change the heart or cleanse the conscience. These rituals were merely to picture the work of Jesus to come. So, the blood of animals could only make the people ceremonially clean.

Question 4. According to Hebrews 9:11-14, to what did the blood of bulls and goats point forward?

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Question 5. Please fill in the blank: “How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, from dead works to serve the living God." Hebrews 9:14

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Do you see how the blood of Jesus is to cleanse us? And not our bodies but more importantly, our consciences? Here’s how we apply this:
I look in the mirror, and the evil one reminds me of the sin I committed, showing me my overweight condition as proof. I come to the cross in my distress and see the blood of Jesus flowing over my sin, covering it up. When my conscience reminds me of my failures, I quickly go to the fountain of the cross and see my failure being paid for, and Jesus’ blood washing me clean.
Washing at the cross is always giving the blood of Jesus the last word. We must remember to "finish our sentence."
Like this:
Sentence number 1: "I'm a horrible sinner, having lived a gluttonous life pampering my flesh. I have ruined my life."
We should finish the sentence: "Yes, but Jesus shed His blood to cover those years of defilement and cleanse me from them. Jesus has raised me to a new life in Him."
Sentence number 2: "I've hurt and defiled people around me, showing them by my actions that it is ok to live a life focused on the flesh."
We should finish the sentence: "Yes, but Jesus died to cleanse me, and my conscience is now tied to His blood, not my sin. As I walk by the Spirit, I will be able to pour out the love of Jesus and bless other people."

Question 6. Now it is your turn. Please take a moment and write out troubling thoughts you’ve had and then finish your sentence with the gospel truth.

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