Lesson 14 Experiencing Unity and Identity with Jesus

Questions 1 and 2

Greetings and welcome back!
For the next several lessons, we will combine all three spiritual truths that are the foundations of freedom and study what it means to find unity with Christ and to find our identity in Christ.

Question 1. What are the three foundational principles of freedom that we are looking at in this course?

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One of the devil's most powerful tactics for keeping people enslaved is to convince us to find our identity in our temptations and the desires of our flesh. For once we begin to see our identity in that way, we can be enslaved to sin for life. After all, we think, "It's just who I am!" "I'm a foodie!" "I'm an emotional eater." "I like food more than most!"
Many support groups teach people to say things like this: "Hello, my name is Mike, and I'm an overeater," or "I identify as a _______ (fill in the blank)." But the problem with doing this is that it forces us to identify with a particular temptation, plaguing thought, or sinful behavior.

Question 2. In your past, have you associated your identity with a particular sin struggle? Please share.

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