Lesson 15 You Are Not Your Sin

Questions 1, 2, and 3

Question 1. According to the video, what does our Advocate, Jesus, do for us when we sin?

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“I understand that I’ve been crucified with Christ and that the way to victory is to die to sin and live the resurrection life by the power of the Holy Spirit, but sometimes I just don’t! Sometimes I fall; I feel like a failure because I know what’s right, and I want to do it, but it seems I just keep doing wrong.”
Hello, friend, and welcome back. If you identified with the opening statement, please know that, to some degree, this is the normal experience of every Christian.
In the previous lesson, we considered Romans 6 and understood that we died with Christ on the cross, and we rose with Christ to a new life, and we experience the reality of this truth when we “count ourselves dead to sin and alive to God” (Romans 6:11). We remember that our identity is never to be in our sin, temptations, or any thought strongholds we might have. Our identity is in Christ.
Today, we are going to look at Romans 7, and see the reality of the believer’s life lived in a fallen world, with a very powerful tempter, and a spirit that is willing but flesh that is weak. And we will see, by the end, that the Christian life of growth in the Lord is progressive, not instantaneous. The road of sanctification takes a lifetime to travel, and there are many potholes, detours, and dead-ends along the way.

Question 2. Do you identify with the opening statement about knowing what to do but struggling to do it? Please share your thoughts:

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This struggle between the flesh and the spirit is common. We can read about it in Romans 7:
“We know that the law is spiritual, but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. 15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do:” Romans 7:14-15 (NIV)

Question 3. What is Paul’s title for himself in Romans 7:14 NIV?

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