Lesson 10 Washed by Jesus

Questions 1 and 2

Greetings friend, and welcome back to the course.

Question 1. According to the video, how do we wash at the cross? Please share your thoughts.

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Linda's comment to the above question was insightful: "The blood of Jesus purifies us of all sin. If we walk in the light we can wash at the cross. Moving forward with Jesus who is the light. Daily receiving from him in his Word so that it actually changes my life and changes my habits. Go one day without gratifying the lust of the flesh and getting into God's word and walking with Jesus. It's uncomfortable but when Jesus went to the cross he hurt, he did it out of love to break the power of sin in your life." Amen, Linda!
Today, we will focus our time on the principle of Washing at the Cross. I hope this lesson will help you understand the extreme value of this principle and give you insight on how to incorporate Washing at the Cross into your battle plan.
For many years, I was defiled in sin - making excuses for my overeating and laziness, but living in guilt and covered in shame. I lived to gratify my flesh and foolishly kept turning to sin to calm the voice of conscience and condemnation, which lay heavy on my heart and mind. Someone once said, "What you are ashamed of, you will repeat." And this was certainly true in my life. My guilt and shame kept me captive to sin's power for years. Or in the words of Job, "For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me" (Job 3:25 NKJV). I was using overeating as a coping mechanism, wanting always to feel full, to be satisfied and happy, which only exacerbated my problems by bringing more guilt into my life.

Question 2. Can you relate to this description of my former life? What was your struggle like for you?

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