Lesson 16 God’s Spirit and Our Unredeemed Flesh

Question 6 and 7

Friend, in turning from a lifestyle of gratifying our flesh (Romans 8:5-11) we experience this precious work of the Spirit. He leads us away from self-gratifying and into such intimacy with the Father that we can call Him by a very intimate name.
Jesus opened up the way to the Father so that we can hear Him speaking words of love, comfort, and acceptance to us; and His Spirit in us cries out in joyful response “Daddy!”. What God the Father said to Jesus, we hear Him say to us who are in Christ, “This is my son (or daughter) whom I love, with him (or her) I am well pleased!”
Yes, according to Romans 7, the believer has a real struggle with his/her flesh, but the Spirit of God sets us free. As we walk by the Spirit and keep in step with Him by turning from self-gratification, we enjoy His ministry to our hearts.
What we have seen today is the work of the Son: “there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1), and the work of the Spirit: “setting you free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2). These two always go hand in hand when we believe Christ and trust in Him.

Question 6. Please consider your life for a moment: are the Word of God and the Spirit of God making changes in you?

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I appreciated Jennifer's comment, in answering the question above: "Yes! I can see more and more of the Spirit working in my heart each day as I turn from gratifying my flesh to focusing on the Cross!!!"
And finally, Yvonne is growing in the Lord, too. She said, "Yes he is. For the last 16 days I have been doing awesome I can see the spirit working in my heart!"

Question 7. How does the video show us the way to make our daily plans?

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