Lesson 22 Warring Against the Flesh: Practical Battle Plans

Questions 5 and 6

Studies have shown that two horses pulling together can pull three times as much as one horse pulling alone. In this battle against our flesh, it is exceedingly helpful to have someone pulling with us, praying for us, and sharing the gospel with us.

Question 5. What is the subject of Ecclesiastes 4:10?

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Here again, we see that it is the function of the body of Christ to help restore people who have fallen. The way that this is done is through the loving use of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Those walking by the Spirit help fallen brothers and sisters to know:
  1. that God will not treat them as their sins deserve (Psalm 103:10) for He treated Jesus as their sins deserve
  2. that their sin was put on Jesus and therefore removed from them as far as the East is from the West (Psalm 103:12)
  3. that God only has love and mercy for them because He exhausted all His wrath against sin on Jesus at the cross (1 Thessalonians 1:10).
When looking for help, seek out those who are patient, loving, and encouraging, but also spiritually healthy and able to correct you in love when needed. You are looking for someone walking by the Spirit who can guide and support you with gospel grace.
But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Friend, you probably know this, but it is possible to remain in gluttony for weeks, months, or years if we have isolated ourselves from others, don’t attend church, and do not seek help. Don’t let this happen to you!
Unfortunately, gluttony (in the area of food) is commonly accepted and often is not viewed as a sin in the church. When looking for help, some people might minimize the struggle, laugh it off or even try to get you to join in with them in overeating. You might hear things such as “don’t be so hard on yourself, don’t judge yourself, accept yourself the way you are.”
While possibly well-intended, these are unhelpful statements from those who misunderstand how God is working in our hearts, leading us away from living in the flesh, and leading us to self-controlled eating and exercising as a fruit of His Spirit in us. Be kind and loving to them, but pass on their input and instead find someone who understands that gluttony and laziness are not only offensive to God but also enslaving to us, and seek prayer, support, and counsel from them. To understand why gluttony or the misuse of food in any way is a sin, read this article.

Question 6. According to Ecclesiastes 4:11, what is the value of two walking together?

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