Lesson 30 Testimony

Questions 5, 6, and 7

Question 5. Did you have a Setting Captives Free mentor during this course? If yes, please let us know if they were helpful to you. If no mentor, please type N/A

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

Question 6. Which elements of the course did you find helpful? Select all that apply.

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.
Next, if you have any comments for us or suggestions for improvement, we’d appreciate hearing them:

Question 7. Would you recommend this course to others? If yes, what words of encouragement would you offer them? If no, please share why.

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.
If you have benefitted from this course, would you consider leaving a review on Amazon? Click the picture of the book below to leave a review of this course (it will open in a new tab). If you would like to start a Weight Loss Bootcamp group study in your local church or community, the course is now available in a workbook format. Click the book images below for more details.
Thank you for giving us your time in this course and for sharing all that you did along the way. I sincerely hope you’ve learned the habits of washing at the cross, walking by the Spirit, and warring against your flesh, and that you will continue to do so in the years to come. If you want to continue in your studies, please enroll in the Weight Loss Follow-Up course.
Would you like to help others and encourage them as they go through this course? Please consider partnering with us at Setting Captives Free as a volunteer mentor. You may enroll in the Mentorship course here.
Setting Captives Free has a 30-day devotional course available called "Looking to Jesus: A 30-Day Devotional For Transformation". If you are interested in it, click here.
To receive ongoing weekly encouragement through email, consider subscribing to the Setting Captives Free newsletter "The Power of the Cross."

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It requires financial resources to operate this ministry and to provide all the course materials for free, so if you support our mission to reach the world with the freeing message of the cross, one heart at a time, we ask you to consider ongoing support of this ministry. Your gifts of any size will help to bring hope and healing to more people all around the world. Your donations are tax-deductible. Thank you in advance for your partnership in the gospel.
Weight Loss Bootcamp