Lesson 30 Testimony

Questions 3 and 4

Please take your time and share your experience of the past 30 lessons of walking through this course. Did you wash at the cross in these lessons? Did you learn to walk by the Spirit and to war against your flesh? Did God give you a battle plan that you implemented? We are interested in hearing about any changes in your life since you started taking this course.

Question 3. What changes have taken place in your life over the previous 30 lessons?

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.

Question 4. What physical changes have you experienced during this study? Have you lost weight? Are your clothes fitting better? Do you feel healthier? Is your blood pressure better? What has God done in your body? Please share.

Log in / create an account to enroll or continue where you left off.
Thank you for sharing. To encourage others, Setting Captives Free shares comments from students on social media, the Setting Captives Free Forum, and within the Setting Captives Free courses. We share using first names only. Your testimony will be edited for concision and clarity as needed. If you do not want your comments to be shared, please type "I do not wish to share" in your answer box on this page.
Weight Loss Bootcamp