Lesson 27: Washing At the Cross Review

Questions 7, 8 and 9

Now, we have come to the part of the narrative where God disciplines Adam and Eve, for sin always has consequences. Adam and Eve were put out of the Garden of Eden, and hard work, sweat, thorns, painful childbirth, and death become part of the human experience.
Adam and Eve were now slaves to sin (John 8:34). No amount of promising, vowing, trying harder, taking steps, or signing cards would have worked to set them free. They were slaves to sin, slaves to their flesh, naked and exposed to God's wrath, awaiting death.
But, oh friend, pause with wonder and awe at the very next thing that happened, for "God devises ways so that a banished person does not remain banished from him" (2 Samuel 14:14 NIV). Here it is:
"The Lord God made clothes from animal skins for the man and his wife and dressed them." Genesis 3:21 (NCV)

Question 7. What did God do for His children who had sinned, who were naked and exposed, who were under the death sentence?

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The Bible doesn't specify how God made the clothes of animal skin, but most Bible scholars believe that God killed an animal, possibly a lamb, and used the skin of the sacrifice to make the garments.
Watch now, as God draws his children to Him. Do they fear within themselves that they are going to die? Do they imagine the sword of God's wrath striking them down where they stand?
But wait, God's hands are already bloody! They look over and, with shock, see the lifeless body of a lamb! And then, God gently brings them near and wraps the dead animal's skin around them, clothing their nakedness, covering their shame. God doesn't kill them; He clothes them! He looks at them with such love, and suddenly it dawns on them: God has put to death a substitute in their place and clothed them with its skin. In wrath, God has shown mercy (Habakkuk 3:2).
What did Adam and Eve need after they sinned? Did they need to try harder or make promises? No, "...without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness" (Hebrews 9:22).
Adam and Eve needed grace; they needed a substitute to die in their place, and they needed to see that God shed the blood of a substitute. That's how they were freed from both the penalty and the power of sin because it pointed forward to the cross of Jesus. That's how captives are set free!

Question 8. Please take a moment and list what you can learn from God putting to death a substitute in the place of Adam and Eve and then clothing them with the skin of the substitute:

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Bonnie writes, "God does not want to destroy us but to help us. I see His love. I see the absolute necessity of someone to take our place. That Someone is Jesus. Death or payment of sin is a must. Jesus took our place!. I don't know that this happened but just think if the skins of the animal or animals were still warm and bloody. To feel the warm blood running down their skin, covering their nakedness or sin. The wonder of seeing the Lamb dying in their place. 'Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me'!"
Here are some things I thought about:
  1. First, our attempts at covering ourselves by works are insufficient. Adam and Eve tried to cover themselves with fig leaves to hide their nakedness and shame, much as we might try to work off our guilt and win back God’s favor with our good behavior. God’s covering Adam and Eve with animal skins teaches us that our attempts to cover ourselves will not work.
  2. God must provide the covering for our sins. Friend, look to Calvary and see God covering your sin. See God drawing you near and clothing you with the righteousness of Jesus Christ. That is God loving you and providing for every sin you’ve done, any mess you’ve made, all the wrongs you’ve committed. That is God taking the initiative to restore fellowship with you by clothing you with Christ.
  3. When God looks at you, He sees the sacrifice! Every time God looked at Adam and Eve, He saw them through the clothing of their sacrifice. He remembered that judgment had already been carried out on another so that His children could live. Oh, friend, God sees you through the blood of Jesus. He sees and accepts you through the sacrifice!
Do you see the need to wash at the cross? As you look up at the cross, you see yourself putting on the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13:14) through believing the good news, and now you are wearing His robe of righteousness!
"I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels." Isaiah 61:10 (NIV)

Question 9. As we close this lesson today, what thoughts do you have about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for you right now?

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Sarah writes, "I’m understanding it more now than I ever did. I’m getting a glimpse of the depth of God’s love for his creation. I don’t understand all things fully, but better."
Jodi G. writes, "My thoughts go to the fact that not only did Jesus die in our place so that we wouldn't have to go to hell but he also died to give us his life for the here and now. He didn't leave us alone in our struggles but left us with the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide us. Sometimes I forget that His sacrifice wasn't just for the next life but for this life also. Thank you, God, for the blessing of the cross. Thank you, Jesus, for the torture you suffered for me. You are my hope when I had no hope."
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