Lesson 15 You Are Not Your Sin

Testimony and Question 8

Colleen writes, "I went through the Weight Loss studies at Setting Captives Free several years ago, and I came to the Weight Loss Bootcamp course because I wanted a refresher, and during these past 30 lessons, I have received what I needed. God has given me an even more solid position before Him at the foot of the cross. I am experiencing deeper intimacy with Him.
I feel so much better, not just physically but emotionally too. I used to suffer from chronic heartburn, but God has shown me that I can be free from that misery by simply eating less. Now I follow a plan of one meal a day (usually dinner) unless love dictates otherwise. I can hardly take a bite of food these days without my heart overflowing with praise and thanksgiving.
Praise God; He is so good. His love has not only freed me in the area of gluttony, but it has spilled over into other areas of my life too. Now that I have experienced the Holy Spirit's power over my desire to eat, I find myself using this power when I am hurt and need comfort, when I am offended and need grace for others, and when I am afraid and need security. My whole life is different now. I am free from this life of sin and death if I will just receive the gift.
I hope that my testimony can encourage others because I lost the weight and kept it off for 3 1/2 years. The changes that God works in our hearts are not fleeting; they are lasting, and they make us hungry for more of Him. On that note, one other significant change in my life is that I can't get enough of Jesus. My hunger for Him has become ravenous. Now I say that I am ravenously gluttonous for Jesus.
The biblical principles taught in the Weight Loss Bootcamp course have helped me in my walk with Christ. They have made ALL the difference. Because of them, I have found freedom and success, not only in weight loss but also in many areas of my life.
I recommend this course. I want people to know that as mysterious as they are, God's ways are the best. They rarely make sense to us at first, but if we trust Him and follow His lead, we can receive His blessings."

Question 8. Did you identify with Colleen in any way? What are your thoughts about her testimony?

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Weight Loss Bootcamp