Lesson 24 Warring Against the Flesh - Believing God’s Word

Testimony and Question 9

Angela writes, "I find the biblical principles in the Weight Loss Bootcamp to be the essential way to live my life if I want to live in victory and close relationship with Jesus. I know these last 30 days have shown me my sins, the great price Jesus paid for me to be free and have a relationship with him, and how to have victory daily when I stay close to Him.
I have made it a habit to start my day reading the Bible and looking for a daily application to my life from its words. I ask God to reveal His plan for me for the day in eating and exercise. I'm way less bitter towards my family and memories of past abuse and know complete healing will happen. I put the scale away because it no longer has power over my emotions.
I know I've lost weight because my pants are loose now and my shirts are fitting better. I'm sleeping through the night, getting about 8 hrs a night. I have fewer aches and pains in my joints and love my daily walks. I have been able to do some 24 hr fasts when God asks me to, and I no longer think about the macros or amount of protein I might be needing and instead eat my meals with joy. I believe God wants me to do the 16/8 eating times unless He prompts a longer fast, and I have been able to give up snacking between meals altogether. When hunger or cravings begin, God helps me war against them and remember Jesus' suffering at the cross. I've been sharing Setting Captives free with people when I feel it could help them or when it seems God is prompting me. I want this way of life to be permanent until I meet Jesus face to face!
This course is not a typical weight loss course. There are no eating plans, weekly weigh-ins, or calorie/macro counting. Instead, it teaches us to go to the heart of our obsession with weight and food and see it for what it really is - worshiping the idols of food, appearance, etc., that we identify as we progress through the course. The Bible has become alive to me in its entirety. The cross and Jesus' suffering for me and all people are so meaningful now. My focus has shifted to loving Jesus, living for Him, and wanting to serve others as He has asked us to do. Thank you, Mike and Jody, for using your own experience to teach us how to live in victory rather than constant defeat!"

Question 9. What are your thoughts about Angela's testimony? Please share.

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Weight Loss Bootcamp