Lesson 23 Warring Against the Flesh - Abiding in Christ

Question 9

Oh, my friend, let this truth wash you at the cross as it did me. See Jesus, our Great High Priest (whom Aaron represented), hanging on the cross, bearing your guilt! He not only carried your sins, sicknesses, and sorrows; He also carried your guilt. It was on His forehead like a crown of thorns. It was on His body as He bore your sins. Your guilt was all over Jesus as He hung there!
But Jesus was taken down from the cross, and your sins and guilt went to the grave with Him, buried out of sight, covered over with a stone!
And finally, Jesus was raised from the dead; He’s alive, but your guilt is not. Jesus overcame it. You’ll never see it again!
But why? Why did He carry your guilt? The Bible tells us: “So that they will be acceptable to the Lord!” Do you understand? Jesus took your guilt off of you to make you acceptable to God! Jesus was treated as you deserve so that you might be treated as He deserves. He was banished to the cross, the grave, and hell so that you could be welcomed into Heaven.
This abiding in the Word, meditating on it, putting ourselves into it, is how we abide in Christ: “...If my words remain in you…” I’ve been thinking about this passage for hours now and will continue to do so. As I go about my day, I will be savoring this passage, meditating on Christ, my High Priest, Christ, my guilt-bearer, Christ, who made me acceptable to God. Oh, how my heart is burning with love for Him who burned in judgment for me!
Oh, friend, I want you to know this passionate love of Jesus, to experience it in your heart and life. I want you to understand the secret and the secret place. The secret to being Washed at the cross, Walking by the Spirit, and Warring against the flesh, indeed, the secret to freedom is abiding in Christ!
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” John 15:9 (NIV)
I encourage you to take 4 minutes and watch this video:

Question 9. What did you receive from this lesson today, and how will you apply it?

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