Lesson 8 Hearing the Message of the Cross

Testimony and Question 8

Geniene writes,
"By the grace of God, after completing the Weight Loss Bootcamp course, I finally can see myself through Christ's death and resurrection, that I am totally forgiven, justified, and righteous before Him. God has broken the chains of childhood sexual abuse, self-hatred, and abusive self-efforts to gain control over the flesh, which is the miracle I needed, and the weight is coming off. I am also very sober-minded in other areas of life, trusting God more quickly and obeying the Holy Spirit's leading. I am truly a new creature in Christ. Thank you for this course!
I've lost weight; energy is more consistent, mentally I am more balanced - no more vacillating between starving and binging or following mega rules to control the flesh. God has brought me to a peaceful place of accepting myself, just as He made me, and this is a miracle. I can sense the Holy Spirit's promptings and am quicker to respond.
I heartily recommend the Setting Captives Free Weight Loss Boot Camp for anyone who wants to find victory in the struggle with weight and health issues. The teachings are excellent, biblically-based, and take you to the Cross of Jesus, His death and resurrection, and our justification in His finished work. When we repent and truly believe, we too learn how to be victorious in the challenges of life. It is a process of healing from the inside out, and it works!
This course provides very practical ways to see the truth of being a child of a loving God, submitting to Him, and walking with the Holy Spirit. Previously, I was never able to experience that new creation in Christ that Scripture describes. All my self-effort did horrendous damage to my health. God's truth dominates this course, and this is where the healing is! It's so exciting because God has provided everything we need to succeed! God is truly healing me emotionally and physically, and I'm beginning to live as a new creation in Christ!"

Question 8. What are your thoughts about Geniene's testimony? Please share.

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Weight Loss Bootcamp