Lesson 17 Looking to Christ

Testimony and Question 9

Patti writes, "After taking the Weight Loss Bootcamp course, I have seen the following changes in my life:
When I started this course, I was only reading the Scripture in the study. However, I now see how important it is for me to open the Bible every day and feast on His Word. What Truth I am finding there! I have a renewed desire for God's Word. I am more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and am hearing His leading when temptation comes.
This course has helped me to see my bitterness and pray for God to take it from me. This course has uncovered idols and sins in my life that I hadn't seen before. Some "dots" have been connected, and I see how to escape from habitual sin in a new way. In the past, I have doubted God's goodness, that He is for me. Through this course, I have been reminded of who He is and how He loves me. He wants me to be free more than I do! I have hope that, by walking free from habitual sin, my life will move forward from the suffering of these past three years. I have peace, and my focus has changed in regards to my appearance. I have begun to focus on my heart appearance rather than my physical appearance. I want a beautiful heart regardless of how I look on the outside. Jesus wasn't the perfect human specimen physically, but His heart was beautiful. I want to be more like Christ!
Physically, my clothes are feeling looser. I have more energy; my skin is clearer and more healthy-looking. Jesus has removed my guilt and shame, so I'm not grieving about it anymore.
I recommend this course! This world, our flesh, and the evil one lie to us. The ONLY way to counteract the lies is to experience the power of the cross and the truth of the gospel. This course is filled with the message of the cross!"

Question 9. What are your thoughts about Patti's testimony? Please share.

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Weight Loss Bootcamp