Lesson 14 Experiencing Unity and Identity with Jesus

Questions 9 and 10

The old you, the sinful you, died with Christ on the cross (Romans 6:1-6); you have been set free from sin. You now have absolutely no identity from your past, no labels from the world, your only identity is as a believer.
Therefore, we must drop all worldly terms and labels, not speak of ourselves as an "addict" or "in recovery" and exchange the use of the worldly word "triggered" for the biblical term "tempted" (1 Corinthians 10:13). If you are accustomed to using words like "triggered," please see Addendum A.
Here is an exercise that you can do to see how to apply and live out this truth: because you died with Jesus Christ on the cross, picture yourself dead in a casket. Imagine something that tempts you: a glittery food advertisement or glossy picture of your favorite food, or another area of struggle. Now, picture those temptations around your casket. Will you have to give in and gratify your flesh? No! You are set free from these temptations becauseone who has died has been set free from sin” (Romans 6:7).
Friend, we are dead to sin because we died with Christ on the cross, and now we should live like it!

Question 9. According to Romans 6:9, what has no mastery over Christ?

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In the context of Romans 6, death having no mastery over Christ is the same as sin having no mastery over us. Believers have died to sin and been raised to new life with Christ.
What Romans 6 calls us to do is to match our practical life to our positional life. “In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Romans 6:11). In other words, you’re dead, now live like it. That’s how to be free.

Question 10. What did you learn in this lesson and how will you apply it?

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