Lesson 4 Warring Against the Flesh

Testimony and Question 8

Jamie writes, "Since taking the Weight Loss Bootcamp course, I have had a closer relationship with God. I no longer feel controlled by food. I know that gluttony is a sin and I never want to return to my old ways.
I've lost just over 16 pounds with this course. I'm learning to love to take care of my temple by walking 4–8 miles a day and lifting weights 3 times a week. My stomach doesn't stick out as much now. I still have like 45 pounds to lose, but I know that if I stick to God's battle plan for my life and let the Holy Spirit lead me, I will succeed in reaching a proper healthy weight for my body. I'm sleeping better too.
This study has transformed my life inside and out! My husband has said he sees a positive change in me. The devil no longer has control of the image I have of myself. It's Christ-centered instead of self-centered. If I ever have a negative thought, I quickly follow it up with a Christ-centered phrase. My relationship with God has changed. I talk to Him all the time about everything and anything. I'm spending more time in His Word too. I’m also taking scripture and learning how to apply it to my life. I've learned to appreciate what Christ has done for me on the cross. I've learned to ask God for a daily battle plan for me and to ask the Holy Spirit to lead me and help me make good choices for my life.
I've learned how to war against the flesh by not giving in to temptation or by Satan's tactics of making food look appealing. The Holy Spirit tells me when that particular food isn't the best for my health. I seek Christ for comfort when I am hungry, bored, or need comfort instead of food. That was never the case in the past.
I’m looking leaner, have more energy, and am sleeping better. I have a long way to go with my weight, but I know that if I keep doing the 3 principles, I will have success. Intermittent fasting has really helped keep me on track too. When I feel or hear hunger pangs, I pray to God to help me make it to my fasting window, and he always follows through in helping me get there."

Question 8. What thoughts do you have about Jamie's testimony? Please share.

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Weight Loss Bootcamp