Lesson 16: Washing at the Cross: New Creation Living
Testimony and Question 8
Marlene writes, "Going to the cross and washing in the blood daily has made me feel so loved. It makes my heart almost burst with joy to know that He has forgiven my sins and has already freed me from my slavery to food through His death. I don't have to depend on my own efforts, which is so freeing! Initially, I was a little hesitant to trust that the plan I heard in my head was really from the Spirit or if it was just my own thoughts. However, I learned to trust His voice, and when I follow it, I succeed. I have not bought a new scale yet. I may do so at some point, but I know my clothes fit and look different.
I have renewed my hope and trust in Jesus. I know He wants to bless me and not harm me. I have a simple plan from the Spirit to eat when hungry and eat healthy foods. I know the foods that cause rashes and illness in my body if eaten in excess. According to my plan, I eat dessert only when I go out and only if it looks really, really good to me. I often leave some of it. Before the Setting Captives Free weight loss courses, I would never have left any of my dessert on the plate! I do not take the remainder home either. What I eat in the restaurant is my portion.
I feel much better physically and move much more. I have learned that worldly plans don't work, so I will not return to them. In short, my life has changed for the better, both physically and socially. I feel that the courses have prepared me for continuing my weight loss journey, but I love these courses so much that I wouldn't mind doing a third one.
This course is the best-written, clearest, and most concise I've seen. Many other courses advertised as Christian are actually worldly diets with a prayer add-on. That may work for some people, but for me, nothing beats the wash, walk, and war organization of the course I've taken here. Setting Captives Free is what it claims to be: Christian, not worldly. It does not plagiarize other weight-loss resources. It is true scripture and interpretation-guided. The videos and testimonies were helpful and enhanced the courses. It helps to know there is fellowship with people out there who struggle like I do. Their honesty helped me know I was doing great, even if I had to take a few days to get used to something, such as trusting enough to follow my eating plan even though I didn't know this would be a very hungry day. Warring against the flesh is work. It's sometimes very easy, but sometimes very difficult. Listen to the Spirit and trust Him. You will win the battle against food.
It produces results because it gets to the root of the problem and finds the solution in Jesus Christ. I got results, and I was a dyed-in-the-wool glutton. Anyone searching for love or comfort will learn where to find it. It changed my life, and it will change anyone who sincerely follows the gospel-centered principles taught in the courses."
Question 8. What are your thoughts about Marlene's testimony? Please share.
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