Lesson 10 Washing at the cross: Freedom Through Grace

Testimony and Question 7

Desiree writes, "After taking the Weight Loss Bootcamp and the Weight Loss Follow-Up courses, I now have an understanding of HOW to wash at the cross, walk with the Lord, and war against the flesh. Previously, these were just words I knew by rote but never made it past that, no understanding or application.
I prayed to be closer to God, and now I understand and know Him better; this course has shown me the path to that, and my walk is more meaningful, and I have a closer relationship with my Lord and Savior!
I can now distinguish true hunger or if some other need isn't being met. I rarely experienced true hunger before (I never went that long without eating SOMETHING), but now I can spiritually discern what's really going on with me when I feel restless or "hungry."
I have lost several pounds, but now that isn't my main goal, but it is a pleasant side effect of following God's leading in my life.
I have recommended this course to a few Christian friends because the benefits are eternal and far greater than weight loss."

Question 7. What are your thoughts about Desiree's testimony? Please share.

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Weight Loss Follow-Up