Lesson 12: Our Response to the Gospel
Question 3
We need to see that the gospel comes with power to rebuild ruins. And notice the Scripture says “ancient ruins”, things and relationships that have been ruined for a long time in our lives can be rebuilt into something beautiful for the Lord. The grace He gives us at the cross is so powerful!
This word “rebuild” would have deep meaning for the Jewish audience of Jesus’ day. It would remind them of the days when enemies ransacked their temple and the city of Jerusalem, as discipline for God’s people who had turned to idolatry. But then God would call people back to Him and give them the task of rebuilding the ancient ruins: “Then Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and Joshua son of Jozadak set to work to rebuild the house of God in Jerusalem. And the prophets of God were with them, supporting them” (Ezra 5:2).
And now, my friend, through the gospel of Jesus Christ, He is drawing you back to Him for the purpose of doing some rebuilding of ancient ruins.
As I began to see the power of the cross in my own life, as God revealed to me the powerful rescue Jesus performed there, as I saw the powerful resurrection of Jesus Christ, it began to set my heart free.
I was taken out of darkness to walk in the light, and the spirit of heaviness, the spirit of despair was taken from me at the cross, and I was renewed in my spirit and in my mind.
In this spirit of freedom, God began to show me how to apply the gospel for the purpose of rebuilding relationships that had been torn down, rebuilding my body that had been ruined, rebuilding every area where sin and Satan and selfishness had ruined.
Question 3. Do you see that your response to the gospel is to rebuild? What will you apply the gospel to for the purpose of rebuilding?
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