Lesson 12: Our Response to the Gospel

Questions 4, 5, 6 and 7

Secondly, they would “restore the places long devastated.” Depression is an absolutely devastating and debilitating experience. Anyone who has gone through it understands this and has felt the devastating power of it in their lives.
And yet the gospel of Jesus Christ is a much more powerful force than depression, even as light is more powerful than darkness. Look for a moment at Jesus entering the darkness on the cross. Now, look at His grave early Sunday morning, as the tomb is filled with light, as Jesus is raised from the dead and brought out of the grave. The light and power of His resurrection is exactly what He gives to us who believe the gospel (Ephesians 1:19-20).
And this powerful light that chases away our darkness enables us to “restore the places long devastated” in our lives. Jesus came to empower us to rebuild and restore the places that have been devastated. This is our response to the gospel - to rebuild in the gospel, to restore in the gospel. To renew in love, to rebuild and restore in love.
One of the ways I’ve thought to restore the devastation is to help people out of depression through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
During my time of depression, I was extremely self-focused, had no ability to care for others or even think of others. Now, through experiencing the power of the gospel, I’m experiencing a desire to help others.
Maybe you will begin considering how you can restore the devastation that depression causes by looking to help others too. You might consider becoming a mentor with us here at Setting Captives Free once you’ve completed this course. Apart from our own experience of receiving the power of the gospel and having our lives changed by it, there’s nothing like watching this same power and love invade other people’s hearts and lives.
There is a 10-day mentorship course which you can take when you’ve finished with this depression course, designed to help you use the gospel in “restoring the places long devastated.”

Question 4. As you begin to think about restoring the places long devastated in your own life, what are some things that come to mind?

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Tori writes, "I would love to be a mentor in SCF after I take the course. I also think of all the relationships that have been devestated through me feeling low and being unable to love, because I did not have the peace and fruits of the Spirit and pouring out of love that I could only receive through fellowship and recognition of my Lord Jesus Christ. I will see what the Lord does with the relationships in my life, but I pray that he can work through me with His love, power, grace and wisdom to bring restoration in my life. I already see Him doing it."
Finally, those who were the recipients of Jesus’ work in the gospel were to “renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.” Again the focus is on undoing the devastation, repairing the ruins, working to restore and beautify all that was ruined in the past.
Dear friend, the gospel makes so many big changes in our hearts and lives, doesn’t it? If you look at the cross you will see that Jesus poured out His blood to cover your sins, that He took away your guilt and removed your shame, that He died on a tree to remove the curse from your life (Galatians 3:13-14).
He was literally pouring out His life for you and loving you unto death (John 13:1).
Through His death, He has paid off your debt, forgiven you of every sin, removed God’s wrath, made you right with God, reconciled you to God, restored your fellowship with God and given you eternal life. This is love beyond degree, love that cannot be explained only experienced.
“May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God” (Ephesians 3:19 NLT).
Now, our response to this shocking love should be that we desire to rebuild and restore whatever sin and depression, whatever selfishness and darkness have ruined and devastated in our lives.
Of course, this can’t be done in a single day, indeed depending on the amount of devastation it could take a lifetime, and yet we can begin today.
However, I want to encourage you today that whether or not everything gets rebuilt and restored, whether it’s done a little bit or a lot, God loves you, Jesus loves you, the Holy Spirit loves you. All you have to do is look at the cross to be completely assured of this.
If you are a believer in Jesus then you are:
Fully accepted by Him (Ephesians 1:6 KJV),
Loved by Him (John 3:16),
Treasured by Him (Matthew 13:44),
Adored by Him (Zechariah 2:8).
My point is this: don’t become too obsessed over restoring and rebuilding and lose sight of how God has loved you in the Person of His Son Jesus Christ, and how He has saved you and is healing you by His Spirit even now. Looking at Jesus, coming to the cross, receiving fresh grace is how we continually experience the power of God, and this needs to be our focus and will be the focus of the rest of this course.
Today’s lesson was just to get you thinking about renewing, rebuilding and restoring places that may have been ruined and devastated in the past, and seeking God for the spiritual power that the gospel provides to begin doing so.

Question 5. Please take a moment and think about what God’s Word has said to you today. What are your thoughts at the close of this lesson?

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Jessica writes, "With God, all things are possible. God can use me to help others through their darkness and restore me to a good person full of love and hope!"
Tori writes, "God told me that He will restore, He will rebuild through me. That he will show himself through this, and I will be more of a responder than an actor. That he will bring what needs to be restored/rebuilt, and then I respond with His love. That it is not in my hands, but His. That I will know Him through this and know it is no one but Him. He also told me that I will still love Him regardless of what does or does not get restored. His will is best and he knows the plans he has for me. Amen."
Harris writes, "I am looking forward to the restoration the cross of Christ has provided for me. I can be used to rebuild other lives. I pray i can see clearly the reality of the gospel and its effects in my life."

Question 6. Have you received the gospel of Jesus Christ today in your study of God's Word?

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Christopher writes, "I have received the gospel today. It helps me in every aspect of my life, Jesus is restoring my life and the lives of people around me one step at a time, one prayer at a time, one visit to the cross at a time. Thank You Jesus for becoming real in my life! "

Question 7. Have you applied the gospel of Jesus Christ in your life today?

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Christopher writes, "Absolutely, I always go to the cross before I hurt someone or before I spiral down into depression. The Spirit of God is doing major work in my heart. I am undergoing surgery, spiritual surgery that is. The light of Christ is changing everything, praise the name of Jesus Christ my Savior and Lord! "