Lesson 3: Jesus Heals Broken Hearts

Question 1

Dear friend, welcome back, it’s nice to have you here. I thank God for you and pray for you daily. I may not know your name but God does and I daily ask Him to minister to your heart through these lessons and the work of your mentor. I know our mentors pray for you too.
In the previous lesson, we began looking at the solution that God provides for depression. It’s important to know that man’s attempts at helping us with this problem of depression are insufficient. Their remedies don’t go deep enough, as the problem is in our hearts; that is, at the core of who we are, our loves, desires, passions, and thoughts. This is why depression is so painful - it is a darkness and pain of the soul, in the very depths of our being.
I have to tell you that every solution from man that I tried left me the same or worse off than before. Oh, there may have been temporary changes with some of the things I tried, but the changes weren’t thorough and lasting. I came away from each one thinking, “there has to be something better, something that will help my heart, and will fix me at the core of my being, something that will last!”
And indeed, this is where the problem is, at the core of our being, in our hearts. Notice what Jesus said about our hearts:
Matthew 15:19-20 NIV  For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.  (20)  These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them."

Question 1. Do you see that the problems we have come from within us, from our hearts, rather than being external to us? What are your thoughts?

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Harris writes, "Yes, we can not blame outward situations for our inner issues. I do see now that depression is an issue of the heart."
Tori writes, "1000%. I believe this also, there can be two people in the same situation, and based on their hearts things can look completely different. It is our heart that will change our perspective in life, it is what is in our heart that drives everything around us."
Chad writes, "I see it. Our natural state is a state of darkness. We are broken and looking to be fixed. It seems like we start looking as soon as we are born for a fix, but don't have the one we need cause we look in ourselves."
Raph writes, "I absolutely agree that I need my heart to be mended and healed together with my tortured mind. I am more than sure that only Jesus can do that."