Day 7. First Principle of Freedom
Question 1 and 2
"I had been trying to cleanse myself, being taught that to not do drugs was to "get clean." I even boasted that I was "clean for 90 days." But now I see that I don’t clean myself but rather let Jesus do it when I come to the cross. There I see Him dying to take away all my sin and uncleanness. It is liberating!” Gerod
Question 1. In what ways have you tried to cleanse yourself in the past? Please share:
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In the last lesson, we learned that the cross of Christ is a cleansing fountain! Today we want to see how to wash at the cross to be cleansed.
First, the need for it. If we try to overcome areas of struggle without being washed, we will always be contending with guilt, which is like an undertow pulling us back out into the ocean of sin.
We need to know this truth very well: “
Brothers, understand what we are telling you: You can have forgiveness of your sins through Jesus. The law of Moses could not free you from your sins. But through Jesus, everyone who believes is free from all sins.
Acts 13:38–39
I invite you to look with me and see Jesus stretched out on the cross with Roman soldiers pounding nails into His hands and feet and blood flowing from His wounds. Watch as they raise the cross up and set it in the ground. There, Jesus hangs in broad daylight between heaven and earth, rejected by both God and man.
But this isn’t just some random act of senseless violence. A miraculous exchange is happening as Jesus hangs on the cross. Jesus has taken your sin upon Himself, thereby freeing you from ALL sin, and He has made you righteous. He is taking your place and giving you His.
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
2 Corinthians 5:21
No matter what wrongs you have done, no matter how long you’ve done them, Jesus undid them on the cross!
“...having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.”
Colossians 2:14
As you look at Jesus hanging on the cross, blood pouring from His wounds, see Him as a fountain! A fountain for your cleansing! A fountain that removes all impurities from your life! Yes, every last ounce of sin is washed away at the cross. Do you see this fountain flowing for you? Do you believe Jesus can cleanse you?