Lesson 18 There’s Life in Just One Look at Jesus

Question 5

So let’s notice the order of events here:
  • the people had to hear the good news that God had provided a solution to their problem.
  • They had to believe the good news (otherwise they wouldn’t turn and look).
  • Then they had to act on that good news by actually turning and looking at the uplifted snake on the pole.
By the way, notice how simple the solution was.

They just had to look. They didn’t have to lift a finger, or a foot, they just had to look. They didn’t have to go to seminary to learn how to look, they just had to look. A child could look. Any person could look. It was simple.

So what does this story have to do with us? Notice what Jesus said about it:
John 3:14-15 NLT  And as Moses lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,  (15)  so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life.
Ah, now we see that the uplifted snake on a pole represents Jesus Christ.
So our story goes like this: we were born in sin, born with hearts set against God, born in rebellion. As we grew up we began to actually sin against God, demanding our own way and wanting to live life on our own terms. It’s as if we have been bitten by the snakebite of sin, and the venom of sin runs all throughout our whole system. This snakebite of sin that we all have is fatal. We will die from it.
But God loves us and has provided a solution for our problem. Two thousand years ago He put up a cross-like pole, and on that pole, He hung a Savior. And now, everyone who looks at the cross, that is, believes in Jesus and the message of the cross has eternal life. “Let all the world look to me for salvation! For I am God; there is no other (Isaiah 45:22).
There is life in looking to Jesus! So let’s look at Jesus for a minute. Do you see Him there raised up on the cross? Do you see Him bearing your sins in His own body, suffering for your wrongs? Do you see His blood-stained forehead and His tear-stained eyes? Do you see His pierced hands, side, and feet? He went to the cross because He loves you!
Friend, He died to save you! And all you have to do is turn and look! That is, hear the good news, believe it and act upon it by looking at Jesus lifted up on a cross. He is there to heal you of the snakebite of sin. He is there to save you from sin, He is there to free you from media addiction and He is there to give you eternal life. So look. Just look!

Question 5. As you turn and look up at Jesus right now, what do you see? Please share your thoughts:

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In closing, it is important to note that while this passage in Numbers 21 has to do with salvation, it also has to do with life-change in every area (“sanctification”). We change just the way we are saved, by looking at Jesus.
In the next lesson, we will see another story that illustrates this good news, and this one will teach us something very clear about how to overcome media addiction. See you in the next lesson!
In the meantime, if you would like to do some "homework" or extra study on this subject, there is a teaching on this in the Setting Captives Free forum. Here is a link to that study.
Media Addiction