Lesson 7 The Cross Cleanses Us

Testimony and Question 7

Abi writes, "During the Weight Loss Bootcamp course, I got to know the Lord at a deeper level. I experienced a greater understanding of God's love for me through what Jesus did for me at the cross, and I got a deeper understanding of the significance of the cross in my walk with God.
I was moved to tears many times through washing at the cross. The best part is that this refreshing is not a one-time thing. It is a continuous washing at the cross, submitting to the leading of the Holy Spirit, that helps me to deny the gratification of my flesh as I look forward to the day that I will be done with sin in the mighty name of Jesus.
I have learned to eat when I have hunger pangs and stop when I feel comfortably full. This shift is huge for me because, in the past, I would continue eating after I was full, which led to overeating and weight gain. I have learned to include exercise in my battle plan. I am also working on having a healthy sleep pattern of about six hours every night.
I feel lighter because I learned to lay down my burdens at the cross and exchange them for the easier yoke that Jesus gives me. My clothes fit better. I feel confident, and I feel that I am in God's will for losing weight and developing a healthy, God-honoring way of eating. I am thankful to Jesus for allowing me to experience this liberation from bondage.
The Weight Loss Bootcamp course was a wonderful course that helped me apply what Jesus did for me at the cross to my daily life. It showed me how God's word and His gospel address my sin of overeating and many other sins with a sense of hope, strength, and claiming victory along the way by the power of the Holy Spirit and the mighty name of Jesus."

Question 7. What are your thoughts about Charlotte's and Abi's testimony? Please share.

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Weight Loss Bootcamp