Lesson 7 The Cross Cleanses Us

Question 6

Do you see what Jesus is doing on that cross now, friend?
He is removing your every stain, washing you clean of your sin, straightening you out, making you pure, taking your sin away, and making you holy.
And this cleansing is what we need to experience by faith! It is what will not only wash us clean but will also change our hearts. This picture, what we have seen today at the cross, is the power of God to change us at the core of who we are (1 Corinthians 1:18), changing our very desires and loves and passions. It is what we must continually believe, rather than what we see on our bodies or think in our minds.
The power of the cross will make us desire to put to death the lusts of our flesh, overeating, and self-gratification, crucifying them on Calvary’s tree, running them through with a sword, and throwing them away on the sin heap of the cross. Let the love of Jesus burn so strongly in you that you become violent to your lusts and radical in your battle plans against it. But always remember to make your battle plan sustainable long term.
Friend, stay here at the cross, and look! Wash here in the cleansing fountain, let Jesus’ blood forgive and cleanse you. Receive Jesus’ forgiveness of your every stumble, your every fall, your every sin that has harmed your own body. It injured Jesus more than anyone, but He has forgiven you entirely and died to wash you clean, make you pure, iron out the wrinkles, and give you a new life.
You are a visual person, as we all are. Let your visual image be that of the cross. See it with the eye of faith! Savor it! Wash in it! For it is a cleansing fountain for you!
And you know what's going to happen?
The longer you stay and examine the cross the angrier you're going to get at your sin, and the more holy power you will experience to hunt it down and drive a stake through its heart. The cross makes us want to be warring against our flesh!
*Of course, you know I'm referring to killing sin here, not any human being. It should go without saying, and yet it bears repeating that we are never to do any violence whatsoever to any other human being or ourselves.*
The first and most important principle of freedom is Washing at the cross. Do you see the importance of it?

Question 6. What did you learn in this lesson and how will you apply it in your life?

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Question 7. According to the teaching in the video, where do we find the Holy Spirit's power that enables us to live differently than we did in our past? Please share.

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