Lesson 7 The Cross Cleanses Us

Question 5

Ah, did you see that? Jesus’ death is a cleansing fountain! He died to cleanse us and wash us from the dirt and defilement of sin. He died to wash away all wrongs that we have done, and in so doing, He made us holy.
In the beginning days of my weight loss journey, this concept was challenging for me to grasp. One of the reasons is that I bore on my body a continuous reminder of my time of gratifying my flesh. I was forty pounds overweight, and as I would look in the mirror, I did not feel like I was washed clean, made spotless and holy.
But I have learned to believe the truth rather than how I feel or look. I had to learn to look at the cross and let it have the last word about me.
To understand, please turn to the cross and look again at Jesus with me. As you see Him hanging there, He is covered in blood, but this is atoning blood, blood that pays for your wrongs. The years of overeating, abuse of your body, and all other sin is atoned for and cleansed at the fountain of Christ’s blood.
And after He dies, a Roman soldier pierces His side with a spear and blood and water gush out. Blood that forgives you of every sin and water that washes them all away, making you clean and white as snow. Do you see it?
“and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” Ephesians 5:27 (NIV)

Question 5. According to Ephesians 5:27, what did the cross of Jesus Christ make you (as a believer in Jesus)?

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Do you believe this right now? The Bible has just told you something about the cross and about its effects for you. Do you believe it? Here is what it has told you:
  • The blood of Jesus is a stain remover. My dear brother Erick Hurt says it like this, “unlike the store detergents, the blood of Jesus removes 100 percent of all sin-stains.”
  • The cross is a washing machine. Jesus has taken all your defilement upon Himself, all your impurity, and He has died to remove it all, thereby making you clean, “white as snow”.
  • The cross is an ironing board. It takes our lives that were all disheveled and wrinkled with sin, and it irons us out and makes us straight, wrinkle-free.
  • The cross is a great exchange. At the cross, Jesus took all your sin, and there Jesus gave you all His righteousness. He removed the dark spots and made you pure, holy, and clean. He made you radiant!
Weight Loss Bootcamp