Lesson 12 Warring in the Word

Questions 1 and 2

Greetings, friend, welcome back!
When God began working in my heart to cleanse me from my sin, He taught me battle strategies to overcome my flesh.
As we come to the lessons on warring against the flesh, we will be discussing practical ways to fight the battle against our flesh. Washing at the cross is extremely important, Walking by the Spirit is indispensable, but whether or not we win this battle and get free depends on how well we War against the flesh!

Question 1. What are your thoughts about learning how to fight this battle so as to win?

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A soldier is never to be without protection or his weapon, and so God calls us to: “Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17).
The first practical strategy I learned when seeking freedom from overeating and laziness was Bible reading. And I’m not talking about casual or random browsing of the Scriptures; I’m talking about an absolute need to hear from God. The Psalmist illustrates this concept with these words: “Open wide your mouth, and I will fill it” (Psalm 81:10). The picture is of a baby bird in a nest, with its mouth gaping open, waiting for its parents to bring food. The bird is eager to eat. Similarly, God began working in me a craving for His Word, which I still have today.
I became desperate to hear from God and to be washed at the cross, and so I began forcing time into my schedule for the Word; I just absolutely had to hear from God. Do you sense this desire growing in your own life?

Question 2. What is your current level of hunger for and intake of God’s Word?

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