Lesson 11 Walking by the Spirit

Testimony and Question 9

Amy writes, "Since taking the Weight Loss Bootcamp course, I have started looking to Jesus and have grown in my understanding of His grace and mercy. I have lost 12 inches, and my cholesterol has improved. I recommend this course because it is totally different in that it is life-changing, not just weight-changing.
Staci writes, "Repenting of gluttony was huge to me. I have been in church all my life and I am a licensed minister. I have NEVER heard gluttony preached about, let alone the need to repent of it! I had an active sin in my life that was hindering me from the fullness of Christ! It blows my mind knowing the missing piece has been found. I am fully free and living in the Spirit every day.
I am shining with the joy of Jesus! I have lost weight off my heart and body! And my clothes fit much better. I feel very healthy; even my mental health is much better. No more blood pressure problems.
God cleaned my temple. I had unclean lips that partook in the fleshly indulgence of many foods. God revealed himself to me, helped me deal with, and healed me from my sin of gluttony. I repented every day of the sin of gluttony. I felt impressed by God to do this because it had become part of my identity and, in order to be free, repentance was the focused way out.
I am a visual learner, and God showed me a perfect example of how gluttony had grown inside of me. Years ago, I placed a bird feeder on a tree limb. As the limb had grown over the past 20 years, it had encased the metal handle of the bird feeder. This has restricted the opening of the feeder, and I can no longer put bird seed inside of it. God showed me that when sin is left unattended in our hearts, it becomes part of us so that we are restricted and cannot receive from Him all the bountiful blessings he has for us.
I praise GOD for ripping that overgrown root out of my heart. It hurt, but I am healed!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
I am teaching a group of eight using the Setting Captives Free Weight Loss Bootcamp book beginning next week at LAMBS Resource Centre located in Clarkesville, Ga.
It’s time to expose the shame that is associated with gluttony. I am determined to love people enough to speak the truth and walk with them through their deliverance. God calls us to help others heal!"
The following is a video of Staci talking with Mike and Jody Cleveland about her experience going through the Weight Loss Bootcamp course.

Question 9. What are your thoughts about Amy and Staci's testimonies? Please share.

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Weight Loss Bootcamp