Lesson 23 Warring Against the Flesh - Abiding in Christ

Questions 1 and 2

Dear friend, welcome to the lesson today. I’m excited to share with you and to hear from you!
In our battle plan against our flesh, we must put “abiding in Christ” at the top of our list. This priority on abiding in Christ is necessary because the world wants to squeeze us into its mold; gluttony wants to drag us into the pit, and the devil wants to tempt us away from our identity in Christ. For this reason, God’s Word tells us:
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2).

Question 1. According to Romans 12:2, how are we transformed?

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J.B. Phillips translated Romans 12:2 in this way: “Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God re-mould your minds from within.” The world wants us to exchange biblical truth for its ideology and terminology, convince us we have an “addiction” to food, which can be “triggered” by our stressful circumstances, and many other lies. These are subtle word changes and ideas that, if embraced and used, will conform us to the world’s molds.
But Christians are non-conformists where the world is concerned! We refuse to fit into the mold of the world; instead, we embrace the truth by renewing our minds in God’s Word, which leads us to drop the subtle lies of the world.

Question 2. Why is it important to not be conformed to the world’s mold but rather be transformed by renewing our minds in the truth of God’s Word? Please share your thoughts.

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