Lesson 19 Eyes Fixed on Jesus

Questions 5 and 6

On the cross, Jesus redeemed you from an empty way of life.
Overeating food offers a momentary thrill and provides temporary excitement, but it leaves us empty in our soul. We crave, we yearn, and we long for fullness but end up with emptiness and sadness. God gave the Israelites all the “flesh” they wanted, but they became sick and empty in the process (Psalm 106:15).
But look at Jesus on the cross, and what do you see? You see that He “emptied Himself” (Philippians 2:7 ESV), shedding His blood and breathing out His Spirit. Look at Him hanging there, completely empty, even of life itself!
And why did He empty Himself? To redeem you from an empty life and to fill you with His Spirit! The fullness you’ve been craving is found at the cross, as the Holy Spirit indwells you as you believe.
“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” 1 Peter 1:18-19 (NIV)

Question 5. What does it mean to you, personally, that Jesus went to a cross to redeem you from an empty life and fill you with His Spirit? Please share your thoughts:

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Truly happy to see Rhonda's answer to the above question: "Truly, overeating food is empty. It is not lasting. But walking with the Lord these days is very satisfying."
On the cross, Jesus reconciled you to God the Father.
While immersed in gluttony, you and I were “enemies in our minds because of our evil behavior” (Colossians 1:21). We were flirting with the enemy and gratifying the lusts of our flesh as a matter of habit.
But look at the cross, and what do you see? You see Jesus Christ being treated as if He were God’s worst enemy. He has taken your sin on Himself and therefore made Himself the enemy of God, so that God, in essence, declared war on His own Son.
And why did He do this? He did it so to reconcile you to God, to make peace between you and God. You were reconciled to God the Father through the death of Jesus the Son:
“For if, while we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!” Romans 5:10 (NIV)

Question 6. How have you been reconciled to God and made His friend?

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