
Question 1

In this course, you can elect to wait until you experience stomach growls before eating or use an intermittent fasting schedule, whatever plan God gives you daily. If following an intermittent fasting schedule, you will ask God to help you decide each day the length of your fast, and the time when you will break your fast. The most common and well-tolerated option is 16/8 (fasting for 16 hours and then eating as needed for the next 8 hours), but you can feel free to experiment with different lengths of time to see what works best for you.
Our objective in this course is to stop obsessing about food and the weight scale. You want to learn to listen to God, daily, for a specific plan for you to lose weight, learn to listen to your body, and develop good habits of regular activity and exercise. Oh, how freeing this is! “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3:17-18), and this freedom is found at the cross of the Lord Jesus.
This study offers a natural and gospel-centered approach to weight loss. You can be free to eat when hungry, exercise regularly and live your life at a healthy weight. I want you to experience it as I am!
Beginning on Day 6 and 7 of this course, you will learn how to seek the Lord daily for a specific plan for your weight loss. We did not put this teaching in the introduction or on the early days of this course, because there are some principles to learn first.
The rest of the course builds on these principles, helping us to fix our eyes on Jesus and thereby lose our fixation on food. It’s time to be free, free indeed! (John 8:36).
As a rule, I do not recommend weighing yourself daily or even weekly. Weigh-ins tend to focus our attention on the problem, and our goal in this study is to learn to focus on the gospel, which is the solution to any habitual sin struggle. If you begin to look away from the problem to the solution, and if you follow this way of eating and exercising, you will most certainly begin enjoying the benefits of good stewardship of the body God has given you, such as losing excess weight and improved health. Some people find it enjoyable to weigh in at the beginning of the course and again at the end, but this is not necessary.
I am not a doctor, nutritionist, or health care provider, and I do not give medical advice. Please consult your doctor or medical professional before beginning this or any other weight loss or exercise program so that they can guide you as to what is the best option for you and your health.
Action steps to take before your first lesson:
  1. Weigh, if you would like to, then put the scale away for the remainder of this course.
  2. If you received a Setting Captives Free mentor, that’s great; if not, please ask someone you know to go through this course with you. Prayer support and local encouragement are so helpful on this journey.
  3. Check with your doctor or healthcare provider before starting any new diet or exercise program.

Question 1. What brought you to this study? Please share a bit about yourself.

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Weight Loss Bootcamp