Lesson 30 Testimony


Dear friend, we’ve reached the end of this study, and I’ve prayed much for you along the way. I’m looking forward to hearing from you today as you share your experience of the past 30 lessons.
I know I have shared my experience to some degree throughout this course, but I offer the following summary of the changes I have experienced by God’s grace after learning to fight under the shadow of the cross.
First, God has brought me into wonderful intimacy with Jesus, close union with Him walking by the Holy Spirit. I can’t articulate it, but you know what I mean if you’ve been choosing to deny your flesh rather than gratify it. All I know is that Philippians 3:10 has taken on new meaning for me:
“I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,” Philippians 3:10 (NIV)
To "know" Christ is to be in intimate union with Him, even as "Adam knew his wife, and she conceived…" (Genesis 4:1). This personal union comes as we "participate in his sufferings" and experience resurrection power.
Stated simply, Jesus Christ has become very dear to my heart. I've grown spiritually in this by God's grace.
Second, the power of gluttony has been destroyed. This liberation happened at the cross by visiting there many times, being humbled over my sin, and being made grateful for Christ's sacrifice. God gave me a plan to be free of overeating and enabled me to carry it out with precision each day.
Third, my wife and I have much joy and fellowship united with Jesus Christ. The overeating that kept me immature and fleshly has been defeated by Christ and by Jody and I being a united front in battle together.
Fourth, I’ve been set free from bitterness. The “wood” of the cross was thrown right into the bitter waters of my heart and absorbed my sin and bitterness. My harshness toward others has dissipated, and my heart has expanded to love others as I’ve never known before.
Fifth, God has made me passionate about other people’s freedom from all habitual sin. I long to see others kneel at the foot of the cross and become awestruck at what Jesus did for them and how Jesus died for them. I long to see the spiritual power of the Holy Spirit flow into them as they come to the Rock that was struck and drink from it.
Oh, I still sin and stumble in many ways. I have not arrived by any means. But I dare not look back, like Lot’s wife did, for all I see behind me is my sin and failures. Rather, “forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14).
Now I’m eager to hear from you. What changes have you experienced?
Continue to the next section where you'll have the opportunity to share your experience.
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