Lesson 29 Warring Against the Flesh Review


After completing the Weight Loss Bootcamp course, Lisa writes,
"These principles are not only essential for disciplined eating habits, but also just life as a Christian. I need to come to the cross daily; it's where my new life started, my union with Jesus, and where I get my restart setting every single day. The cross is the starting point in my life map (Bible), where the compass and tour guide is the Holy Spirit. That's how I envision walking with the Holy Spirit. Warring against my flesh is that daily fight against my sinful and selfish self. Boy! was this hard, but a great hard. Like in a real war, there's nothing fun about being suited up, 20lbs of ammunition on you, in uncomfortable positions; this spiritual war is the same - watching, geared up, and ready to fight. I have never felt this free from getting on the scale. Some days I'm tempted/curious, but it's easily defeated with the truth that my heart feels lighter, and I physically feel lighter too. I feel reassured by this truth more than seeing a number, entering it on my fitness tracker, and having a second of self-glory instead of an all-day high of basking in God's love and truth. The hardest part for me was developing a battle plan with the Holy Spirit because my own voice/thoughts were getting in the way. But I like the idea of a plan for the week as it helps me know if I'm seeking the comfort/easy/self-gratifying route, and I can fight that off quickly. The rewarding aspect of this journey is the desire not to stop. I want to help others grow as I continue to keep growing. I know the importance of accountability and not feeling alone. I wished I had a partner but not having one sure challenged me and made me stronger. I highly recommend this course. The way that the course is introduced, lined up, and framed is perfect. I wouldn't change a thing. I encourage others as I encouraged myself to press on. These studies are good for my heart and spiritual growth, which way better than any 5 lbs I can shed in my own strength. This course was the final death to spending a dime more towards diet plans, meals, pills, gym, coaches, apps, magazines, and gadgets. Thank you, Lord, for loving me as I am and molding me each day to my best version. Amen!"
Weight Loss Bootcamp