Lesson 25 Warring Against the Flesh - Overcoming Bitterness


Kathy writes, "The principles of the Weight Loss Bootcamp course are absolutely vital in my walk with Him. Without Christ and going to Him in need, I will stumble and fall. Plus, I go to Him, rejoicing and praising Him for what He has done and is doing.
I came to this course because my blood pressure and blood sugar were both too high. I was heavier than I have ever been, and my girlfriend suggested I get my weight back to normal. I needed help. When I heard about intermittent fasting, I didn't think I could do it. We had a trip planned to Disney World, and although I cut my portions down and ate carefully, I did not fast. But when we came home, on day 15 of the course, I asked God about an eating plan. He told me to breakfast at 8 AM and have dinner at noon, and fasting after. Who would have thought I could go without snacks (which I used to eat all the time) and an evening meal. Since then, when I have eaten when God didn't tell me, I have been uncomfortable, and I have gone to the cross and humbled myself. God has been there for me, not condemning me but lifting me back up.
Since I get up at 5 AM, the 8 AM breakfast was challenging. God helped me adjust to a 7:30 AM breakfast and a 12:30 Dinner (lunch). And when there is something on the schedule, like taking my granddaughter shopping at night with supper out or Easter brunch at church and dinner at my son's, God has given me a plan to handle those special events. I have never skipped breakfast before a brunch, but I am excited to do it this Sunday. God has been right with me all along, and I so appreciate Him and love Him all the more.
I have lost 9 pounds since starting this course. My jeans were so baggy; I was pleased to go into the closet and find three pairs that fit. I do feel healthier. I can bend over more easily, and my balance is improved. I have more energy, plus I am stronger. It has been so freeing. I am so encouraged to continue walking with God in this."
Weight Loss Bootcamp