Lesson 3 Purposes for Slavery to Sin: That We Might Become Broken and Humbled

Question 6

For nine months after David’s sin of adultery and murder, David’s heart was hardened by his sin. He lived in a state of pride, denial of sin, and overall self-absorption during this time; you can read about it in 2 Samuel 11 and 12. But God does not let His children remain in this state. He broke David. He humbled David. Through this time of brokenness and humbling, David sought the Lord for cleansing and healing.
David’s prayer was answered completely at the cross when David’s greater Son, Jesus, died to wash David’s defilement and heal David’s sin sickness. He died to wash your defilement too and to heal you by His stripes (Isaiah 53:5).
As we close, I want to encourage you to let this day’s lesson be a springboard for ongoing seeking of the Lord for brokenness, humility, repentance, and faith. This brokenness is one of God’s designs in our sin, and He uses it to cause us to look up to the cross and finally find freedom! As this breaking happens, we gain soft hearts, hearts that love others, taking their feelings into account, caring for them rather than using them.

Question 6. Please share what you got out of this lesson today.

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