Lesson 29 Warring Against the Flesh Review

Question 7

Oh, friend, like David, you too can be assured that the Lord is for you and that He has provided everything you need to win the fight against your flesh! So fight! Fight in the shadow of the cross, knowing Jesus reconciled you to God through His death (2 Corinthians 5:18-20), knowing that Jesus has paid your sin debt in full (Romans 5:6-8), knowing that Jesus has removed your guilt (Romans 3:25-28), knowing that Jesus has taken all of God’s wrath for you (1 Thessalonians 1:10), knowing that Jesus has gone before you to defeat your enemy (Colossians 2:15, Hebrews 2:14-15)!
Seek the Lord for plans, make them specific, step out by faith, and you’ll see God’s power working in and through you to defeat the army of gluttony! Bam! Down they go! Those uncircumcised Philistines!

Question 7. What were you reminded of in this lesson, and how will you implement it in your life?

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This lesson was our last on warring against our flesh. Are you fighting with God's plan, friend? If so, I know you are walking in a victory. I was decades in bondage to sin and have been free for many years now; I'm praying that this will be true of you too.
In the next lesson, you will have an opportunity to share how God has worked in your heart through His Word and His Spirit during your time in this course.
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